Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Clip 1 shows norming. They see that they have to work together in order to succeed. They know that they are only as strong as their weakest link

The second clip shows the adjourning stage. Aladdin releases the genie because they have overcome all obstacles and reached the end point. They are all going to their respective adventures.

The next clip shows storming. They are all fighting with eachother and that is tearing the entire team down. They are putting theirselves over the common good.

The fourth clip shows performing, which is the opposite. All the fish work together to reach the common good, helping Nemo finding his dad and getting home. They work well together in order to reach the common good.

Here is a clip showing the forming stage.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I've gone through several phases of communication as technology progressed. I started off with old fashioned email. I used to write long letters to my friends and older relatives who didn't have the heart to tell a 10 year old to stop spamming them. I then discovered AIM and MSN messenger. From there it progressed to talking for hours on the phone to getting a cell phone and starting to text to facebook to snapchat. I've noticed communication has gradually become more and more concise until it was pretty much reduced to a picture with a few words. After all these methods of communication, I've become nostalgic for the days of actually talking to each other, whether it be in person or even over the phone. Even email was more personal than a 'whatsup' text every now and then. In order to keep touch with my friends from high school, I've especially come to realize I can't rely on these methods of communication. Every now and then, I'll call one of my friends and just catch up for a good 20 minutes before running off to my next class. For this reason, I really think talking to someone in person or over the phone is the best way of communication. I've seen too much miscommunication in which people don't put in a smiley face or whatever and gets misinterpreted as rude. In addition, one has to be a lot more focused in a phone call because they actually have to respond right away instead of watching cat videos, skyping, and facebook messaging at the same time.  This has actually been a pretty recent development for me; up to midway fall quarter I was fine with snapchats and facebook wall posts. It was only after I realized I was losing touch with some of my closest friends did I realize what the best method of communication was. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tunnel of Oppression

The Tunnel of Oppression was a huge eye opener for me. I've always known that issues like this existed, but the examples really hit close to home. The fact that modern slavery exists less then 5 minutes away from our bubble of SCU was insane. I didn't even think slavery was an issue in the United States. There were many other things that surprised me; the amount of rape that goes on on campuses, examples of cases of AIDs, different facts about religions, etc. Even though much of the content was depressing, I'm really glad I went. I would have never been prompted to do something about it if I wasn't enlightened to everything that happens in the world.
The tunnel of hope definitely helped, but the facts that I learned still weigh on me. I hope I can find something to actually do about it instead of sitting idly. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


When I first found out my MBTI, I was very surprised. I am an ESFJ. I definitely thought F and J would have been different because I feel like I am definitely a thinker. However, once I started reading the overall personality explanations, I was surprised to see that it described me almost perfectly, both regarding my strength and weaknesses. However, I do know of some people who were wary of their results, claiming that it was entirely wrong. I don’t think that putting people into boxes hinders our opportunity to see people as they are. It is important to acknowledge that there is a wide spectrum on all four characteristics and some people may be barely making it. Additionally, it is vital to note that people change their preferences depending on the situation. For example, I have been labeled J instead of P, but it honestly depends on what I’m doing. If I’m working on a group project, then yes I will be very lorganized and make schedules and todo lists. When I’m working on a project by myself, even though I’ll still make lists, I’ll usually disregard them and put stuff off to the last minute without planning it at all. In addition, regarding my placement in the F category, I am regarded as a very critical thinker who can objectively remove themself from a situation. I think MBTI types are viewed differently, but based on the preference of each individual. I don’t think overall one type Is viewed better than the other.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Leadership Theories

The relational leadership model really resonated with me because that's exactly the type of leader I strive to be. Having to be a follower in certain clubs before I could become a leader allowed me to observe other leaders and traits of their's that I deemed ineffective. One of the most biggest complaints I've heard about other leaders is that they don't listen to the other club members and just push ahead with their own agenda without any regard to anyone else's opinion. For that reason, when I did eventually ascend into leadership, I strove to create a relationship with other members and really tried to allow their voices to be heard too. I think an important characteristic of a leader is to organize the voices of the followers, and not drown them out completely with yours. Also, without a close relationship to your followers, many times they do not feel comfortable about approaching you with their opinion, so they let their resentment fester, and in the end, every leader-follower combination is a team and you are as strong as your weakest link.
I believe this picture represents the relational leadership model perfectly. The leader, or person in the center, is ensuring that they are communicating with everyone, and all voices are heard. In addition, the leader is linking various opinions together to form one big opinion that represents the team. It embodies every characteristic that a relational leader should hope to follow. It is also important to note that the arrows are double sided instead of one sided, where the leader would just push their own opinions forward. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Elevator Pitch

Hi everyone! My name is Sania Baqai. You can pronounce it saw-knee-ah or sunny-ah. If you keep forgetting it, you can always call me my childhood nickname, Sunny, or any other  variation of that. I've been called everything from sunshine to sunscreen to suntan lotion. 

Anyway, I'm majoring in Economics and something else. I'm not entirely sure yet, I'm kind of considering everything. I'm interested in political science, psychology, international business, philosophy, etc. so it'll take me a while to finally decide on one thing. I'm fascinated about how people think in different situations, hence the economics/psychology/philosophy interest.

I'm a big outdoorsy person. I've been going on family camping trips ever since I could crawl. Even though I'm really out of shape and very un-athletic, I love hiking, biking, camping, anything outdoors where you can actually see the stars.

Other hobbies include eating, sleeping, reading, and wasting time.  I'm a huge foodie; I love trying new and exotic foods I've never tried before. My goal is to try every possible type of cuisine available in this area at least once.

When I'm not busy doing the above, I'm also involved in the school debate team, model UN team, Intandesh, and APB promo team. I'm also currently tutoring children with special needs as a part time job, which is really rewarding.
Well, I'm pretty sure this far exceeds the average amount of time you spend in an elevator, so that's me.