Monday, April 8, 2013

Elevator Pitch

Hi everyone! My name is Sania Baqai. You can pronounce it saw-knee-ah or sunny-ah. If you keep forgetting it, you can always call me my childhood nickname, Sunny, or any other  variation of that. I've been called everything from sunshine to sunscreen to suntan lotion. 

Anyway, I'm majoring in Economics and something else. I'm not entirely sure yet, I'm kind of considering everything. I'm interested in political science, psychology, international business, philosophy, etc. so it'll take me a while to finally decide on one thing. I'm fascinated about how people think in different situations, hence the economics/psychology/philosophy interest.

I'm a big outdoorsy person. I've been going on family camping trips ever since I could crawl. Even though I'm really out of shape and very un-athletic, I love hiking, biking, camping, anything outdoors where you can actually see the stars.

Other hobbies include eating, sleeping, reading, and wasting time.  I'm a huge foodie; I love trying new and exotic foods I've never tried before. My goal is to try every possible type of cuisine available in this area at least once.

When I'm not busy doing the above, I'm also involved in the school debate team, model UN team, Intandesh, and APB promo team. I'm also currently tutoring children with special needs as a part time job, which is really rewarding.
Well, I'm pretty sure this far exceeds the average amount of time you spend in an elevator, so that's me. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey SunnySideUpEggs! I've been following your posts for a while now, and I just wanted to say thank you! On good days, your posts give me that little boost to turn a good day into a great day! On bad days, they brighten up my mood with little drops of Sunshine (ha! see what I did there!). Raising three young boys is a challenge, and I honestly don't think I'd be able to make it out of bed every morning if it weren't for your posts. I feel like a better mother, a better wife, and a better person in general. On behalf of my family, we all thank you! P.S. You should go on tour sometime! People would love that! It could be called the Sundance Baguar Festival! -- xoxo <3 M4M4B34R
