Sunday, April 21, 2013


When I first found out my MBTI, I was very surprised. I am an ESFJ. I definitely thought F and J would have been different because I feel like I am definitely a thinker. However, once I started reading the overall personality explanations, I was surprised to see that it described me almost perfectly, both regarding my strength and weaknesses. However, I do know of some people who were wary of their results, claiming that it was entirely wrong. I don’t think that putting people into boxes hinders our opportunity to see people as they are. It is important to acknowledge that there is a wide spectrum on all four characteristics and some people may be barely making it. Additionally, it is vital to note that people change their preferences depending on the situation. For example, I have been labeled J instead of P, but it honestly depends on what I’m doing. If I’m working on a group project, then yes I will be very lorganized and make schedules and todo lists. When I’m working on a project by myself, even though I’ll still make lists, I’ll usually disregard them and put stuff off to the last minute without planning it at all. In addition, regarding my placement in the F category, I am regarded as a very critical thinker who can objectively remove themself from a situation. I think MBTI types are viewed differently, but based on the preference of each individual. I don’t think overall one type Is viewed better than the other.


  1. Hi Sania! I noted the same thing about how some of us are just barely on the edge between two traits. We aren't confined to just one end of the spectrum, but instead we are given opportunities to exhibit different degrees of each trait.

  2. I was exactly the same! While my "extraversion" and "judgement" were very strong and distinct, my "sensing" and "feeling" were borderline, exhibiting that I can easily flip over to the other side. I think having traits that can flip over to the other side simply shows that when it comes to situations where those traits are required, the individual can easily take on either side depending on the environment and what is required/expected of them.

  3. I had similar thoughts about the categories when I found out my result - I thought I would be sensing, but I ended up with intuition. I didn't really agree with it at first but after reading the details of the strengths and weaknesses I realized that it did fit me pretty well.

    I think you make a great point in that a person isn't just an I, or just an E, or whatever - instead, it depends on the situation. I think it's entirely possible to be both T and F, or S and J, depending on what's going on.
